A band called Low Stars put out an album several years ago with a track titled "Warmer Wind." The chorus goes, "There's a warmer wind and I can feel it, calling me again. I'm moving on." While the song is about moving on from one relationship to another, I thought of it today as I ran outside for the first time in several months. A temperature of 28 degrees and a windchill of 17 might not sound warm to you, but it felt balmy compared to the bitter cold we've had for most of this winter. Most importantly to me, it meant that it was warm enough to get out and get a few miles in. My running shoes were calling me again, so I was moving on outside for a quick 2.5 mile run.
It felt good to run again. I took it easy for the most part. I could tell my conditioning is a little lacking right now, but that's what I expected. I was more winded than usual, even with a slower pace. Most importantly, though, I came back with no pain. I can't describe how amazing that is, especially when my experience up til this last year with running was one filled with knee pain, back pain, chest pain, etc. It's simply wonderful to go run and feel like it's something my body was built to do, rather than something I'm punishing my body with. Sure, I tax my muscles and endurance, but it feels like I'm doing it in a natural way that my body can tolerate. I'm not fighting my body, I'm truly exercising it.
I've also had a few more good experiences with cross country skiing lately. I was invited to go along with a group of people to their farm to ski some trails they have back around their hunting cabin. It is a really beautiful place and it made me feel good to know that they thought I had improved enough to go with them. I only fell three times (once on purpose), and kept up with them pretty well. I had a great time and they all said I did really well for being so new to it. I hope I can get out a few more times before the snow is gone.
I don't have much more to add right now, oddly enough. No profound revelations or deep thoughts. I'm just happy to do something I love again. I hope these warmer winds are here to stay for a while!
Girls' Basketball
1 day ago
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